In my works, the main subject of creativity is an exploration of an area of human mental features, different emotional states, inner feelings, and senses searching. The connections and relationships between material and metaphysical. Also, it connects the ways of living in our measurement. But first of all, it is a research of my own experiences and fears, existential discoveries, and failures.
I tend to express my ideas in sculpture with different treatment of a human figure, its fragmentation, and other stuff. I like to explore a combination of form and contra from, like to work with surface structures, contrasts and I fond of manipulations of space and openwork usage.
I don’t have special preferences in materials for sculpture. I like almost all of them, from classic to modern and mixture of materials. It depends on, which would be suitable for me, to convey the conception. Have an experience in work with stone( limestone, marble, sandstone) wood, bronze, artificial stone, plaster. I see my sculptures as an easiel, public, and monumental art objects.
I have a direction and interest in art, but I don’t want to limit its progress. Interest is constant development as an artist, and exploring and using new possibilities for creating sculpture, and in opportunities to represent it.